The project so far.
In 2018, members of the Mitta Valley community were successful in receiving funding to develop a Masterplan for the construction of a Mountain Bike Park in the Mitta Valley. The Masterplan was completed, along with a multipurpose carparking area that would double as a Trailhead once funding for the park had been sought.
The development of the Masterplan involved a comprehensive community engagement process; over half the households in the Valley participated in the process and the support for the development was strong.
In 2021 Mitta Valley Inc. received 1.5 million through the Victorian State Government’s Local Economic Recovery program to deliver the first stage of the trail network. Approximately 50% of the trail network will be developed, in addition to branding, and the establishment of a social enterprise that will assist in the expense associated with maintaining the Park.
A Steering Group has been formed to deliver the project.
The Steering Group consists of representatives from Mitta Valley Inc, Department Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP), Towong Shire Council, Tourism North East, Bushfire Recovery Victoria, Landcare, local commercial operators, mountain bike enthusiasts and community members.
The Steering Group Terms of Reference can be found here: Terms of Reference
News and Updates
The Steering Group is committed to keeping Mitta Valley residents informed on the Park development.
To date the exact alignment of the trail network has not been established; this will not be known until such time a Cultural Heritage Management Plan and other assessments have been undertaken. As the project progresses, the Steering group will advise the community of developments. Updates can be found below.
Mitta Valley Mountain Bike Park Project Steering Committee
The Project Steering Group provides a community-focused approach, ensure delivery and the achievement of project outcomes.
The group’s members will be responsible for informing and monitoring project delivery.
Further information on what the Steering Group entails can be obtained from Kerissa Heritage, Towong Shire Council or 0428 568 156.